Coca Cola (Einweg)
0,5l Dose oder 1,25l Flasche
Kindern und Schwangeren wird vom Konsum abgeraten.
Why count on us to deliver results? Because our company is more than just a business. Each person brings something different to the team, but there are a core set of values we all share.
Fanta Orange (Einweg)
0,5l Dose oder 1,25l Flasche
Because I'm experienced, reliable, and focused on results, I've had the privilege of working with a host of fantastic clients.
Sprite (Einweg)
0,5l Dose oder 1,25l Flasche
Our work is our purpose, our driving force. It's the reason we get up every day and do what we do. Most importantly, it keeps pushing us to achieve bigger and better things with each new challenge.
Mezzo Mix (Einweg)
1,25l Flasche
Kindern und Schwangeren wird vom Konsum abgeraten.
Why count on us to deliver results? Because our company is more than just a business. Each person brings something different to the team, but there are a core set of values we all share.
Eistee Pfirsich (Einweg)
1,25l FLasche
Because I'm experienced, reliable, and focused on results, I've had the privilege of working with a host of fantastic clients.
Mango Lassi (L)
Süßes Kefirgetränk mit Mangogeschmack. Kühlend und erfrischend,
(A) Antixoidationsstoffe
(F) Farbstoff
(K) Koffein
(Sg) Säuerungsmittel
(St) Stabilisatoren
(Z) Zusatzstoffen
(C) Cashewnüsse
(E) Eierzeugnisse
(F) Fischerzeugnisse
(G) Glutenhaltiges
(H) Halal
(K) Krebstiere/-erzeugnisse
(L) Milch/-erzeugnisse (laktose)
(M) Mandeln
(N) Schalenfrüchte/Nüsse/-erzeugnisse
(S) Senf/-Erzeugnisse
(SJ) Sojabohnen/-erzeugnisse
(SW) Schwefeloxide
(V) Vegan
(VG) Vegetarisch
(W) Weizen